Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Legislative Priority Submission:   Madisonville Postsecondary Education Building
Presented by: Dr. Judith Rhoads, Madisonville Community College, and Dr. Brian VanHorn, Murray State University
Madisonville Community College, along with Murray State University, is committed to raising the educational level of our region as well as to make a positive impact on economic development.  To do this, more educational opportunities locally are needed at the bachelor and masters level since only 10.6% of Hopkins County hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, as compared to 17.1% in the state and 24.4% in the United States.   To help with this initiative to raise the educational level of our community, this facility would house 2 + 2 bachelor programs as well as master’s program­ming offered by Murray State University in one, centralized location. Also, this facility will serve as a community resource, train­ing, and conference center.