Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Legislative Priorities Submission: CSX Mainline Relocation
Submitted by: City of Madisonville
Currently the CSX mainline runs through downtown Madisonville. A separate track, known as the “Earlington Cut-Off” lies on the east side of Madisonville. The proposal is to construct two passing tracks along the Earlington Cut-Off, each being 2 miles in length, and abandon the downtown mainline track at a projected cost of $8,000,000.00.
The existing track is a major safety hazard with 15 at grade crossings. One fatality and a second near fatal accident have occurred within the past few years. The mainline track also crosses the main entrance to the hospital and runs within 300 feet of an elementary school. In addition to the major safety concerns, including the transportation of hazardous chemicals, the tracks greatly increase traffic congestion, increase downtown noise and reduce the quality of life in downtown Madisonville.
Currently the City of Madisonville has an outside firm working on a study of the actual costs associated with this project and to help ensure the needs of CSX can be met. Meetings have been held with CSX and they are supportive of this project.
For more information, call 824-2100.