Friday, July 20, 2012

Promote your business with Chamber events

Looking for ways to get the most bang from your marketing bucks? The Chamber offers many cost-effective ways to help you put your business in the spotlight.
Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon cuttings: Are you a new business? Have you moved to a new address or remodeled your existing location? Are you celebrating a milestone, such as a grand opening or an anniversary celebration? Call us at 821-3435 to schedule a ribbon cutting.

After Hours
Chamber After Hours: Need to network? A Chamber After Hours is a great way to meet local professionals and community leaders. After Hours typically take place on weekdays from 5-7 p.m. Hosts usually provide beverages and light appetizers for the guests who drop in. You can plan your After Hours with a purpose, or just schedule one to socialize. It's a terrific tool for presenting a great first impression or cementing your reputation as a vital element of the local economy. Call us at 821-3435 to schedule an After Hours.